When a diamond is being formed, it first starts out as a lump of coal. It goes through immense amounts of the RIGHT kind of pressure to become the shining diamond we love. If the pressure isn’t right, it becomes dust.
It’s tough… to watch others succeed, achieve goals, make dreams come true. And you are probably reflecting on your own life and thinking, “Why can’t that be me?”. But the question I want to ask you is, why do we look at someone’s diamond and compare it to our coal?
Everyone has their own coal of life with their own kinds of pressure that come along with it. The pressures, struggles and the hurdles we have to go through in life is all a part of what makes our coal a diamond. Accept the process, don’t fight it. Learn from the process, don’t run away from it. Trust your process, don’t deny it. Fighting it, running away from it, and denying it will cause you to run into a pressure that was not intended for you. And your coal with become dust.
Right now you may not have achieved your goals. You may not be successful. You may have dreams that haven’t come true. And that’s fine!! That’s YOUR coal. It’s not shining yet. Go through the pressures, the hurdles, the struggles. And you will eventually see your diamond and it will shine bright.
To be inspired by fashion, follow ANJ’s fashion journey at www.itsanjcouture.com