
  It’s official, my friends and I have decided: “Adulting” is not fun! It is a mirage of total bliss and smooth ride. Remember how we were as kids, looking up to college students? Well, some of us got woke! The dream changed real quick. I wonder if I could unsubscribe from this whole “Adulthood” Read more about Unsubscribe![…]

Fishy Genius

Do you ever feel like a fish in a world full of monkeys? Are you discouraged because you don’t have the gifts and abilities that other people have? Einstein believed that everybody was a genius in their own way. You are a genius! What does it mean to be a genius? The dictionary defines genius as exceptional Read more about Fishy Genius[…]

Navigating Transitions

Autumn leaves are pretty. They create “picture perfect” sceneries. Unfortunately, we humans are not like leaves during transitions. We are generally not pretty. For most of us, transitions are rather chaotic and filled with uncertainties. Here are 3 thoughts on how to navigate these uncertain periods: 1 . Admit that transitions are hard: doing this liberates Read more about Navigating Transitions[…]

The Other Side of Social Media: How it can help and How it Can Hurt

When people find out I am fashion model: they rush to my Instagram, like my pictures, follow me, and ask me how they can become a model. I’m very active on social media and I’ve made valuable connections on Instagram and Facebook. One week, I posted one of my favorite photos from a shoot. The lighting Read more about The Other Side of Social Media: How it can help and How it Can Hurt[…]

Show YOU…Not Your Skin

 When I was in high school, I saw people around me that looked ‘cool’. Looking ‘cool’ was wearing clothes that showed ALOT of skin. The boys loved this, obviously, and I wanted to be cool too. I felt that showing more cleavage and cheeks would make me cool. You know what it made me? Uncomfortable. Really Read more about Show YOU…Not Your Skin[…]