Ditching My Religion

Religion is diluting the effect of Christianity. Religion could be said to mean, “consistently continuing to do something that God is no longer interested in.” Just recently, I heard someone describe religion in a manner similar to the one above and instantly fell in love with it. Rarely do people who act religious intend to Read more about Ditching My Religion[…]

Killing a Robber

An aluminum pot doesn’t appear different whether extremely hot or cold. If you didn’t know it was hot and grabbed it, ignorance wouldn’t be “bliss” for you. It’d be more like “blisters”! Yes, I’ve been on a roll with corny dad jokes lately. What you gon’ do about it? :-p I first heard the saying, Read more about Killing a Robber[…]

Processing Disappointments

Disappointment sucks! You take the time to plan out what you expect to happen, and live everyday in anticipation of it. The days run by quickly because of your hope. You imagine how you’d feel when it happens, and play out the scenario so many times in your head that it begins to feel quite Read more about Processing Disappointments[…]

The Gatekeeper

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” These words struck me deeply two days ago. They “jumped” at me while studying Proverbs 4:23. The importance of, “above all else”, also dawned on me.  The preceding chapters had repeatedly highlighted the importance of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Everything from wealth Read more about The Gatekeeper[…]

Speak Life: The Perspective of Death

Death offers us perspective. When someone we know dies, it causes us to take a step back and re-evaluate how we’re living. It’s almost an automatic response for everyone – especially if it’s someone who we believe died before “their time.” The concept of people dying before “one’s time” suggests that we all have an Read more about Speak Life: The Perspective of Death[…]

Beauty in Pain: My Rejection Story

I have struggled to write this post because I could not clearly define the purpose of sharing my experience. I guess my eureka moment came at 2:24 AM! I am sharing my experience to encourage and speak life to anyone facing any form of rejection and to remind you that as cliche as this may Read more about Beauty in Pain: My Rejection Story[…]

Never Quit: The Ant Philosophy

“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.” (Proverbs 6:6-8) Ants are one of the most fascinating creatures on earth. They’re so fascinating that we’re told in the Bible to Read more about Never Quit: The Ant Philosophy[…]

The P-Word

The world works by principles. One of such profound principles is the law of sowing and reaping. Seed time and harvest. Action and reaction. Cause and effect. Effort and results. Whatever name you call it, the basic principle remains the same. Contrary to popular opinion, success, to a reasonable extent, is predictable. For instance, to Read more about The P-Word[…]

Trusting the Process

“Trust the process!” I’m sure you have heard this a few times from motivational speakers or even your pastor. But what exactly does it mean, and how does it apply to us as youths? How do I go through life not knowing what God has in store for me? If these questions sound familiar, allow Read more about Trusting the Process[…]

Seeds of Life

“What you sow is what you reap.” As kids, these were words adults drummed rhythmically into our ears by caring adults. They are words of wisdom; a constant reminder that life is guided by laws and principles.  Realizing the “law abiding” nature of life itself makes it easier for us to weigh the outcomes we Read more about Seeds of Life[…]