Fishy Genius

Do you ever feel like a fish in a world full of monkeys?

Are you discouraged because you don’t have the gifts and abilities that other people have?
Einstein believed that everybody was a genius in their own way. You are a genius!

What does it mean to be a genius?

The dictionary defines genius as exceptional intellect, creative power, or other natural ability. Einstein believed that everyone possessed at least one of these qualities.

But, if everyone is a genius, why doesn’t everyone act like it? We need to figure out how to draw the genius out of ourselves and others!

Here are four ways to start.


Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Comparison robs us of joy because it steals things like creativity, self-worth, and perspective. How do you stop playing the comparison game? Celebration! Start celebrating! Instead of filling your heart with jealousy, celebrate the unique intellect, creativity, and abilities of yourself and others.


Become a student of yourself. Discover how you are wired. Get on the internet and take a few personality assessments. Read through the results and highlight the things that are especially true of you. Know yourself in order to grow yourself.


Curiosity may have killed the cat, but you’re not a cat…you’re a fish, remember!? Just don’t bite into any mysterious food with hooks sticking out of it. Einstein would argue that he had no special talents, he was only “passionately curious.” Bernard Baruch said, “Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why.” Stay curious about our world. Ask good questions. Read widely. Staying curious about things that fascinate you is often the starting point for gaining wisdom, learning new skills, and creativity.


Einstein said, “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s that I stay with problems longer.” We all encounter obstacles in our education, social spheres, and business endeavors and it’s tempting to give up when things get difficult. Solutions are out there; creative, brilliant solutions that come from ordinary geniuses like you! You may just need to sit with the problem longer than the next person. Persevere!

I hope you begin to discover your fishy and peculiar genius! And I hope you’re able to help others discover their unique genius as well


Garrett is a pastor, writer, and speaker who maintains a blog focused on helping others grow in leadership and spiritual development.

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