Make Me or Break Me: My Mistakes

We all make mistakes or “drop the ball”. Our mistakes can make us better individuals and provide us with opportunities for growth; or they can cause us to go through a downward spiral.

In nursing school, it seemed like the exams never stopped. I think back to my first exam, and oh boy did I bomb it! After getting my results I was devastated. How could I have done so terribly? Is nursing stuff really for me? These were all thoughts that ran through my mind.

I just wanted to go lay in bed, cry and drown myself in my own sorrow and self-pity. I talked to a friend who was a semester ahead and she reminded me that it was only one test. There would be more tests and more opportunities for me to redeem myself. There was no point in wallowing in my self-pity when I could prepare for the next exam. I’m sure you’re wondering, “This is nice, but what do I do after I make a mistake or drop the ball?” Here are a few tips.

  1.     You are allowed ONE second of self-pity and sadness. One moment. Don’t spend too much time at this step, it won’t get you very far. So, pick the ball back up; get your face our of your pillow and the spoon out of that chocolate ice cream
  2.     Power pose! You’ve got this, you are strong, you are smart, and one misstep does not derail you unless you let it
  3.     Remember your end goal. What are you hoping to accomplish? What do you need to do to still reach that end goal?
  4.     Do it! Go after what you want!

We all make mistakes, but we have the power to come back from them. So, that day after my ONE second of sadness (more like 30mins of ranting and doubting myself), I told myself, “You got this, babe!” I sat in front of my calendar and mapped out study time in anticipation of my next exams. I joined study groups and changed my study technique since obviously the first attempt didn’t help.

Your mistake may not be school; it may be work or family. It may be something you said, did or didn’t do. Just remember that what you hope to accomplish and the steps you need to take to get there. Learn from the mistake rather than allow it to tear you away from the things you hope to achieve.


Elizabeth Njoku is a Registered Nurse with a Masters Degree in Nurse Education. She has a passion for impacting the youth, and is also one of the Directors at NEU Gen Leaders. She loves reading, dancing, and Netflix-and-chilling. You can contact her at [email protected].