Generally, when two people have rapport, the less informed party asks questions of the more informed one. However, great leaders have learned that they don’t have to be experts on every subject matter. They just have to surround themselves with the people who are experts and ask them tons of questions!
Leaders ask intelligent questions and then listen attentively as their recipient provides the answers they need. Asking intelligent questions is an art. When you ask the right questions, you create warm, colorful, and insightful conversation.
You can learn everything you’d like to know if you learn to ask good quality questions. When you perceive that people have a greater grip than you on any particular subject, take a back seat and resort to asking intelligent questions. Remember that it’s all about leadership in the end; and leadership is not dependent on how much of a talker you are.
Here are a few good points in keep in mind while crafting your questions:
1. People love talking about themselves and their interests:
Dale Carnegie mentions this in his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. Good quality questions followed by intelligent probing questions creates an atmosphere for the recipient to delve into details and talk about a subject that they absolutely love. And since you’re asking probing questions, they will assume that you’re interested in the subject of their interest. This in turn makes them like you.
2. Question-answer proportionality – i.e. people provide answers that are proportional in quality to the questions asked:
simply put…a dumb question generally elicits a dumb answer. A closed-ended question would also elicit a closed-ended answer. Therefore you must be sure to put some thought into your questions before you throw them out. Also try to ask direct questions; don’t beat around the subject of your curiosity
3. You give the recipient the illusion of power:
When you ask intelligent questions, your recipient feels in control – after all, they must be the “all-knowing” party while you are the “ignorant, but ever ready student”. But in reality, when you ask intelligent questions, the recipient of your questions perceives that you’re smart and develops a new level of respect for you. In the end, you win!
Remember…great leaders ask intelligent questions. Start practicing now, and in no time, you’ll get noticed.
Ugo is an energetic and dynamic speaker. He is the founder of NEU Gen Leaders – a youth leadership organization with a mission of helping the youth discover their life’s identity and mission. He is the author of the book “Secrets of Academic Excellence”.