“What you sow is what you reap.” As kids, these were words adults drummed rhythmically into our ears by caring adults. They are words of wisdom; a constant reminder that life is guided by laws and principles.
Realizing the “law abiding” nature of life itself makes it easier for us to weigh the outcomes we receive from our daily hustle and bustle. Our lives seem to be stuck in a constant loop of choice making. Each decision we make leads us to an outcome that is totally different from the outcome of an alternative decision.
Our choices are like seeds sown, while the state of our life is like the fruit we reap. Taking this analogy as universally applicable, we can come to the following conclusions:
1. The current state of our lives (i.e. our harvest) is a result of the seeds we have sown.
The car we drive, our living condition, apparels, and everything else we currently possess is a result of choices we’ve made up till this point in our lives. And if we don’t like any of it, we have ourselves to blame for the quality of our decisions. This truth is profound because it implies that we have some level of control on the outcome of our lives.
2. We have a stake in determining what you reap.
If what we sow is what we reap, or put a different way…if what we reap is what we have sown, then we are not victims. We can make better choices that will change the trajectory of our lives starting from right now!
3. If you sow better seeds, you will likely reap better fruits.
Laws are universal. If the quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our decisions, then anyone can change the quality of their lives by learning how to make better decisions. We can all sow better seeds, and increase our likelihood of reaping better harvests. Since decisions have long term effects, each one shaping the quality of our lives, let’s be intentional about sowing the right seeds in the sands of time.
Ugo is an energetic and dynamic speaker. He is the founder of NEU Gen Leaders – a youth leadership organization with a mission of helping the youth discover their life’s identity and mission. He is the author of the book, Secrets of Academic Excellence. He can be reached at [email protected].