
Have you ever been stuck? And i don’t mean literally. Not the kind where your dress or shoe gets caught on a sharp edge in public and turns into an embarrassing moment. I am talking about the kind where you feel like you are not where you’re supposed to be even though you don’t know where “there” is.

I know I’ve definitely been there. Let me just say, it is totally okay as long as you don’t remain in that phase. Now you’re probably wondering, how do you get out of that phase!? Think R.A.C.E.

R: Remember what motivates you. As humans, we all have that thing that drives us, and pushes us to strive for more, and do better. Remind yourself what your driving force is. If you think you don’t know what that driving force is, search within yourself. There must be something that makes you wanna do better. It may be making your parents proud, or buying that house you always wanted, or even having a good retirement plan because I have come to understand it is not too early.

A: Act on that motivation. It’s one thing to get motivated, it’s another to get motivated and get going. Deep down you know what you are capable of, don’t choose to settle for less.

C: Be Creative and Consistent. Get out of your comfort zone, try something that is not the norm for you. You think of ideas, bring them to life. Go to social gatherings, network! Now after doing this, you need to be consistent. This is not a “temporary situation.” After getting to this phase from the “being stuck” phase, you don’t want to go back there. Curtis Pritchard says, “Don’t look at the clock, be the clock. Keep ticking and moving forward.”

E: Embrace your awesomeness. Yes you are awesome! don’t forget that. Don’t compare your journey to that of others, be your own person.


Anastacia Ago is a Respiratory Therapist, writer and an amazing singer. She believes in equipping the youth to take on the future with confidence. She can be contacted at [email protected].