“He just got a Lamborghini. He’s only 21.” “That girl walks around like a model and all the guys like her. she’s so cool!” We all know that guy, we all know that girl.
There’s always someone who seems to have it all together – someone who we look up to, and want to be like. It is okay to admire people and to want to do better in life, but what is not okay is to feel dissatisfied about your life because you want what someone else has; or because you feel like you haven’t gotten to where you want to be in life.
Contentment is a choice. You do not have to wait till you have everything you want to be content in life. Contentment is a major key to living a happy and fulfilled life regardless of what life throws at you. Here are three ways to master the art of contentment:
1. Set your own goals and work towards them: Discover your interests and passions, and set goals. Strive to be better for yourself rather than trying to compete with others. Strive for excellence. This way, you will develop the character and the knowledge you need to sustain your goals.
2. Kill Comparison: Comparison is the enemy of contentment. Quit comparing yourself to other people or to a timeline you (or others) have set. Everyone has a timeline of when they want to achieve things. Sometimes you meet the target and sometimes you don’t; and that’s okay. As long as you stay disciplined and consistent and do not give up on achieving your goals. Comparison can lead to jealousy, and that is definitely not healthy. The grass is never greener on the other side. Social media does not make things any easier. However, remember that nobody posts their struggles on social media even though everyone has got life challenges to deal with. Even material things do not bring happiness. If they did, rich celebrities would never commit suicide. Contentment is the key to happiness.
3. Develop an attitude of gratitude: I’ve learned to say, “I may not be where I want to be, but I am thankful that I am not where I used to be.” I always see the bright side in every circumstance. This helps me keep a balance between striving to do better and being grateful for all the many blessings and opportunities I have experienced in my life. Gratitude is such a powerful tool that unlocks joy and happiness even in the face of life’s hardest challenges. You may ask “what’s there to be grateful for?” But the fact that you have eyes to read this post tells me that you are alive, and you can see. Start there. You have nothing to lose when you have a grateful heart.
Mary is a seasoned youth leader, and music minister. She is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in nursing. She can be reached at [email protected].